Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fall 2013 Course Announcement - 2nd Amendment Rights and Gun Control

Northwestern Connecticut Community College in Winsted has scheduled the following course offering, to be instructed by Attorney Rachel M. Baird:

CJS 298 71 Special Topics: 2nd Amendment Rights and Gun Control

This one-credit course explores the raging battle over the Second Amendment from our state legislature to the United States Supreme Court. Do guns still have a place in our society or is it time to abolish the Second Amendment? Are guns the people’s protection and insurance against government tyranny, a last resort to self-defense? Students will gain a foundation to answer these questions in a course that ranges from an examination of Connecticut firearms laws, upcoming legislative decisions, the role of the courts, and the impact of the media on public opinion.

Course dates:  Friday & Saturday, September 20 & 21, 2013